
Feng Shui for the Office

I found this great article on Care2.com and wanted to share it with everyone!

Welcome to my series on Feng Shui room by room – Feng Shui for the Office.
Creating an inspiring work environment is an important factor in generating more abundance in your life. The more your spaces uplift and stimulate you, the more time you want to spend there and the more energy you put into what you are doing.
We spend a lot of our life at work. I don’t need to tell you how uninspiring an office full of faceless, featureless cubicles can be and how drastically that lowers morale.
Whether you work in a home office or in a big corporation, you can still do something to make your workspace more inspiring for yourself and raise your energy level or chi.
When you feel safe, comfortable and happy in your space your energy field expands. As a result people
want to be around you. When people are drawn to you they naturally want to spend time with you and bring you opportunities. You thus might find doors starting to open, blockages starting to unblock and people offering you options that often translate into more money and more general abundance.
In this article we are going to investigate simple and inexpensive ways to revitalize your workspace by shifting the chi.


Our basic instinct is to be safe. It is in our DNA and a part of our genetic makeup. When you are sitting with your back to your office door you are going to feel dis-empowered and vulnerable. One key component in making us feel safe is to make sure your desk is placed in an empowered position facing the door. It’s also important not to sit directly in front of the door because chi flows strongly through doorways and you will never feel at ease. It would be like standing in a strong river current. It is too stimulating to sit in for long periods of time.
Here are some other ideas for how to place your desk and still be in the empowered position facing the door.
If you have a window and you want to enjoy the view, turn your desk to the side that allows you to see the door along with the view.
You can also bring a desk facing the wall out into the room and sit behind it, arranging printers and file cabinets behind you.
For those with built-in desks that can’t be moved, buy a rear view mirror with a sticky back (sold at auto supply stores) and position it onto the top of the monitor so that you can see what is happening behind you.
Another aspect of safety is physical comfort and prevention of injury. If you feel uncomfortable sitting at your desk and are straining or aching after a few minutes, hours or at the end of the day it is not set up correctly. If you are hurting as a result of working, the message your body sends to you is “don’t go in there, it is an unsafe place that will injure you.” This is why it is important that your office is set up ergonomically and that your chair, desk and computer are all at the right height for easy work.
A last area of safety is to make sure all cords are housed in safety runners so that people cannot trip and injure themselves. From the Feng Shui perspective if anything feels like it can be unsafe you won’t feel truly at ease in the space.
Besides the safety factor, clutter is also disturbing to us. A tangled snake pit of cords will disrupt our sense of serenity in the space. Roll them up, tie them up and drop them into an attractive container such a beautiful basket.
Nix the fluorescent lighting and bring in incandescent lights whenever you can. Even turning off half of the fluorescent lighting in your office and using a desk lamp will make a huge difference in your energy level at the end of the day. They may be energy saving but they are also energy sucking and are extremely draining to your energy field.
Protect yourself from EMF’s or electro-magnetic fields. This is a subject that deserves an entire article dedicated to it, but in short, studies have shown that EMF’s scramble and weaken our energy fields and are suspected to contribute to serious illnesses. However EMF’s are prevalent in our lives, especially in areas that use a lot of technology. Protect yourself by not sitting close to the back of a computer monitor and using laptops whenever possible. Use land lines rather than cell phones if you can. You can purchase devices and pendants that will help re balance your energy fields and that can be used on electronic equipment such as cell phones. Two tried and true products I recommend to clients can be found at these web sites: Gia Wellness and Omega products. Both are reputable companies that sell EMF protectors,and you can find many more on- line.

Clear Clutter and Organize

I know this is always easier said than done. If you are overwhelmed by this piece, as many of us are, give yourself the gift of a professional organizer. Don’t berate yourself if this is not your forte. Hire someone who can instantly see how to arrange things in your office for maximum effectiveness.After this you will get the knack yourself and be able to continue on your own. Don’t underestimate the importance of asking for and hiring help, even for two hours. It can make a huge difference in your life. Offices are often the most disorganized spaces in hectic lives but order in this sphere is actually crucial to your success in the world. To take care of your physical environment also takes care of your mind, body and spirit.

12 Tips to End Clutter

Inspire Yourself!
Bring in art that you love. Even when your bookshelves are filled with those unattractive binders and manuals that you need for your jobs, juxtapose them with art and objects that bring you joy. Make sure your shelves reflect who you are and what inspires you in life. Make sure every object has its space so that it does not look like a haphazard arrangement of clutter.
Bring in Nature
At our essence we are ancient creatures who came from 100,000 generations of ancestors who lived in the natural world. Surrounding ourselves with objects and art depicting those origins are essential to mental and emotional well being, reminding us who we truly are. Studies have shown work spaces devoid of nature cause depression and lower productivity among workers. Commit to having beautiful plants or fresh flowers. Bring in a water feature and nature art and calendars depicting beautiful landscapes. Bringing in the five elements of wood, fire, earth, wood and metal is a key component of the Feng Shui teaching. (See my article bringing nature into the home). In terms of your family pictures, a few are comforting but too many are distracting. Your workspace is for the development of who you are in the world and what your contribution to that world will be. Reserve the private spaces in your home to display images of your loved ones.
Bring in Environmental Affirmations
Use the important ‘real estate’ of your office walls for affirmations of what it is you want to bring into your work life. For more private home offices this is a great space for your career vision board. Create a collage with words and images of the true work you imagine doing, whether you are there or not. Your pictures and images create powerful environmental affirmations, sending this message continually to the conscious and subconscious mind. We must think it first in order to create it, so make it up and put it on your walls and watch it manifest in your life! (For more on this please see my article Your Home is Attracting Your Future!)
Offices are Yang Spaces
Offices are places where you want to generate energy and should be light, bright and happy spaces that by their color schemes contribute to lifting your spirits. For more on this subject please refer to my article on Yin Yang for a Balanced Home.
Remember that your office is your space for manifesting who you are in the world. Think of it as your altar to call in that energy in your life and let your imagination soar!
Erica Sofrina is an internationally acclaimed speaker, teacher, consultant and author and the founder of the West Coast Academy of Feng Shui. She is known for her ability to translate Feng Shui into terms that are easy to understand and apply for western audiences.

Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/feng-shui-for-the-office.html#ixzz1CermriJq


Here are eight common ways to misuse time:

1. Being anxious about the future.
2. Reliving the past.
3. Regretting old mistakes.
4. Reliving yesterday.
5. Anticipating tomorrow.
6. Racing against the clock.
7. Brooding over impermanence.
8. Resisting change.
When you misuse the time, the problem isn’t at the level of time itself. Nothing has gone wrong with the clocks in the house of someone who loses five hours’ sleep worrying about the possibility of dying from cancer. The misuse of time is only a symptom for misplaced attention. You can’t have a relationship with someone you don’t pay attention to, and in your relationship to the universe, attention is paid here and now, or not at all. In fact, there is no universe except the one you perceive right now. So to relate to the universe, you must focus on what lies in front of you. As one spiritual teacher said, “The wholeness of creation is needed to bring about the present moment.”
If you take this to heart, your attention will shift. Right now every situation you are in is a mixture of past, present, and future. But the now can’t be a mixture of old and new. It must be clear and open; otherwise, there is no unfolding of yourself, which is the reason time exists.
Adapted from The Book of Secrets, by Deepak Chopra (Three Rivers Press, 2004).

Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/the-misuse-of-time.html#ixzz1BXdFZ7fT


It’s Official. We Are All Contaminated ~ posted by Delia Quigley

“What I would like to see is a huge public outcry demanding clean air, clean water, clean food. For people to say, NO! Pollution is intolerable and we won’t allow it anymore.” Dr. Wally Burnstein
It’s all over the Internet by now. Research carried out by the University of California reveals that of 268 expectant mothers each of them showed levels of toxic chemicals. The study, recently published in Environmental Health Perspectives, concluded, “Certain PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, PFCs, phenols, PBDEs, phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and perchlorate were detected in 99 to 100% of pregnant women.” Read the report HERE.
This research follows the Environmental Working Groups stunning announcement, over 5 years ago, that 287 toxic chemicals were found in the umbilical cord blood of pregnant women, including mercury, fire retardants, pesticides and PFOA, a chemical used in the production of Teflon. Not too long ago medical science believed that these same chemicals could not, for some reason, manage to cross the umbilical cord and into the fetus.
As autism levels skyrocketed, along with attention deficit disorders and child cancers, the finger rarely pointed back to the womb and to what the mother was eating, breathing or drinking. I’m not talking about alcohol, tobacco or drug abuse, I am referring to pesticides and mercury in food, fluoride in water, dioxin and cadmium in the air, and PCP’s in bottled drinking water for starters. Did we really presume that we could flood the earth with over 70,000 toxic chemicals and escape with our health intact? Who suffers the most, but the generations of children whose very DNA is affected by heavy metal contamination.

Lately I have been receiving the most interesting emails, especially from people calling themselves food scientists. They criticize me for suggesting that aspartame is a dangerous chemical that turns to formaldehyde in the body and they take me to task for writing that non-organic coffee has pesticide residue when, according to them, by roasting coffee beans the pesticides, Whoosh, vanish into thin air. I have also been reprimanded for guiding individuals to change their processed and refined food diet to one consisting of whole organic foods; but, until now, I have been quiet about the effects of toxic chemicals in the umbilical cord, because mothers will feel they must take the blame and suffer the guilt that is, in reality, the responsibility of the chemical and food industries.
I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to get involved and really work to help clean up the environment. You can do this by making changes in your lifestyle and guiding friends and family to do so as well; but you will also need to leave time for environmental activism at the local, state or national level. Every community in the world is now dealing with some type of environmental issue, a garbage incinerator, toxic waste dump, pesticide spraying or GMO crops growing next door to your organic garden. The list is endless and growing with each day. If everyone reading this blog started working on one or more of these issues, the impact would be tremendous. Pass the word and look for specific ways to make an impact in my next blog.
Delia Quigley is the Director of StillPoint Schoolhouse, where she teaches a holistic lifestyle based on her 28 years of study, experience and practice. She is the creator of the Body Rejuvenation Cleanse, Cooking the Basics, and Broken Bodies Yoga. Delia's credentials include author, holistic health counselor, natural foods chef, yoga instructor, energy therapist and public speaker. Follow Delia's blogs: brcleanse.blogspot.com and brokenbodiesyoga.wordpress.com. To view her website go to www.deliaquigley.com


How To Make This New Year Your Best Year Yet - Vlog

Robin Sharma at his best!

60 Tips For a Stunningly GREAT LIFE ! ~Robin Sharma

These are wonderful tips! This was posted on my business partners blog Lori McDowell. Thanks for sharing.

1. Exercise daily.

2. Get serious about gratitude.

3. See your work as a craft.

4. Expect the best and prepare for the worst.

5. Keep a journal.

6. Read “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”.

7. Plan a schedule for your week.

8. Know the 5 highest priorities of your life.

9. Say no to distractions.

10. Drink a lot of water.

11. Improve your work every single day.

12. Get a mentor.

13. Hire a coach.

14. Get up at 5 am each day.

15. Eat less food.

16. Find more heroes.

17. Be a hero to someone.

18. Smile at strangers.

19. Be the most ethical person you know.

20. Don’t settle for anything less than excellence.

21. Savor life’s simplest pleasures.

22. Save 10% of your income each month.

23. Spend time at art galleries.

24. Walk in the woods.

25. Write thank you letters to those who’ve helped you.

26. Forgive those who’ve wronged you.

27. Remember that leadership is about influence and impact, not title and accolades.

28. Create unforgettable moments with those you love.

29. Have 5 great friends.

30. Become stunningly polite.

31. Unplug your TV.

32. Sell your TV.

33. Read daily.

34. Avoid the news.

35. Be content with what you have.

36. Pursue your dreams.

37. Be authentic.

38. Be passionate.

39. Say sorry when you know you should.

40. Never miss a moment to celebrate another.

41. Have a vision for your life.

42. Know your strengths.

43. Focus your mind on the good versus the lack.

44. Be patient.

45. Don’t give up.

46. Clean up your messes.

47. Use impeccable words.

48. Travel more.

49. Read “As You Think”.

50. Honor your parents.

51. Tip taxi drivers well.

52. Be a great teammate.

53. Give no energy to critics.

54. Spent time in the mountains.

55. Know your top 5 values.

56. Shift from being busy to achieving results.

57. Innovate and iterate.

58. Speak less. Listen more.

59. Be the best person you know.

60. Make your life matter.

If we practice these tips on a consistent basis, our lives are bound to improve!

Here’s to your success!




How to Save Money While You Lose Weight

This is a wonderful article put out by my company that I thought would be helpful for everyone out there:

The drive-thru is quickly replacing the kitchen as the source of our meals, and lunch has taken the biggest hit. But the burger and fries you buy for lunch do more than sap your afternoon energy, they can also drain your wallet. This year, make a resolution to improve your physical health as well as your fiscal fitness with just a few simple changes. In fact, it's easier than you might think to cut your lunch costs in half while cutting calories by up to 75%. With lunch prices averaging between $5 and $10, it's easy to spend as much as $50 a week and $200 a month—per person. Ditching the combo meals and packing your own lunch not only cuts your food costs in half, it can cut your calories by up to 75%.

For many, the idea of packing a lunch conjures up images of flattened sandwiches and warm milk, but the possibilities are nearly endless and don't require as much prep time as you might think. Here are some quick and easy ideas that are sure to satisfy.

Some veggies or a piece of fruit along with one of our nutritional products, like an Attain® Bar, can make a simple, quick, and satisfying meal. You can even add fruit, like frozen berries, to an Attain or Proflex20™ Shake.

All it takes is 15 minutes to make up to a week's worth of lunches and dinners. Start with a head of your favorite lettuce (try red romaine), ½ medium red cabbage, 2–3 carrots, green (or other color) peppers, and scallions. Put the lettuce in a bowl, throw the rest in the food processor, toss together, and then put handfuls of the mixture into separate plastic containers or baggies. Grab one in the morning, along with some cherry tomatoes, and you're good to go. Add a tablespoon of shredded cheese, a hard-boiled egg, or beans to make a great meal or a great snack to beat the afternoon munchies. To mix it up, try adding them to pitas or rolling them up in whole wheat tortillas. Just remember to choose a low-calorie salad dressing.

Beat the peanut butter blahs by focusing on flavor and texture. A great sandwich starts with great bread, so pick a great-tasting bread or roll, or even a tortilla or flatbread. Punch up the flavor without adding a lot of calories with condiments like mustard, vinegars, salsa, hot sauce, apple butter, or chutney. Got meat? Use lean deli meats and watch the portion size. No meat? Consider low-fat cheese, sprouts, or cucumbers.

This is one of the most versatile of meals, and can range from homemade favorites to instant heat-and-serve varieties for time-crunched cravings. Just make sure to choose those that are lowest in fat and sodium.

Nothing has revolutionized lunch like the microwave, and there are now several brands that offer low-calorie fare from around the globe. And the best part? Most are available for under $3, making them a much more affordable choice than their fast food counterparts. Look for meals with 300 calories or less and with the lowest fat content.

Eating 2–3 smaller meals and 2–3 snacks throughout the day can stave off hunger pangs. But make sure you pick smart snacks. Your best bet is always fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid boredom and choose foods with a variety of colors and textures. When it comes to veggies, you can even pick up a flavorful dip, but watch the calories—some dips can contain as many as a hamburger! For a truly tasty treat, create your own fruit cocktails by combining berries with peaches or bananas.

While packing a lunch will surely keep a few more dollars in your pocketbook, there are other ways to save at the grocery store:

Buy "reduced" baked goods–As items near expiration, many stores sell them at a drastically reduced price.
Ask for "ends" in the deli–many stores sell the ends of meats and cheeses at a discount.
Collect coupons and trade with friends to get the best deals on the foods you eat most.

Above all, be a smart shopper. When you browse the "discount" items, know how much they normally cost to see if the savings are significant, and stick with food you normally eat. Just because it is on sale doesn't mean you have to buy it. Stop "pulling up to the first window" and start bringing the brown bag to work, and you'll see significant slimming of the waist and swelling of the wallet.

This material is not intended as a substitute for medical and/or health advice and the material should not be relied upon for dieting or for seeking medical and health recommendations. Please consult with your physician or healthcare practitioner before dieting or making any personal health decisions. *Always consult with your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.