
10 Keys for Achieving Your Goals

 Every January, I, like many of you out there decide “this is the year I’m going to get in shape”, then fairly quickly, getting up early enough to work out before work seems too difficult and the gym empties out again. You can almost hear the self talk…”I’ll go after work today,” or, “I’ll start again next week, this week is just too busy,” and so on.

What happens to the goals so many of us set in January? Why do so many of us stop before reaching our goals? What goals have you set for 2010? How can you make sure you achieve what you want this month, next month and in 2010?

Here are 10 keys to making sure you hit your targets:

1. Write down your goals. A goal without an action plan is just a wish. Only 1% of Americans write down their goals. There are hundreds of studies that prove that the simple act of writing down your goal significantly increases the likely-hood of achieving it.

2. Set realistic and attainable goals. You have to believe it’s possible, if you don’t, you won’t make the effort to make it happen.

3. Set stretch goals. The bigger the goal, the greater the sense of accomplishment.

4. Write down as many benefits to achieving the goal as you can think of. This is your “why”. Your “why” is what holds you to your goal when obstacles appear. The more benefits there are to achieving your goal, the stronger your commitment will be to achieving it.

5. Commit. A goal is really a promise you make to yourself. Make an absolute commitment to accomplishing your goal…no matter what!

6. Persist. Acknowledge that there will be challenges that arise, obstacles that you will have to overcome. If we expect them they won’t surprise when they hit. Persistence in the face of challenges is a confidence builder. You will be able to say, “It was difficult, but I didn’t quit!”

7. Know that “Persistence = Results” and results are the motivator. If you have ever been on a diet, you will know it can be discouraging when you get on the scale and you haven’t lost a single pound. Many would give up at that point. It is when we keep doing the right things in spite of being frustrated and discouraged that we see results, and that is when we get excited. We are motivated to keep going. We have to be persistent first, them we get the results.

8. Make an action plan. Break down what you will have to do each week, each month to achieve your goal, then make an action plan to make that happen. Breaking it down makes it feel doable. Making an action plan will leave you feeling in control.

9. Take action. Most people stop at number 8. Taking action is the one piece that will move you from failure to success.

10. Celebrate! Take time to celebrate and acknowledge your success, you deserve it! “To achieve happiness, we should make certain that we are never without an important goal.”

Source: Shari Hudspeth, President of Average To Excellence, LLC

Portions of Articles by the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance Copyright 2003